Distribution and Fulfillment Resources
Helpful insights delivered right on time.
White Paper
The Costs of E-commerce
Whether you’re new to e-commerce or you’re looking for ways to reduce the costs of your existing operation, you’ll find plenty of helpful information in our free white paper. Find out how to optimize your e-commerce fulfillment process to support your organization’s online success.
How direct and indirect costs impact your e-commerce operation
Where the costs come from, what impacts them and how to reduce them
Guide to Writing an RFP for 3PL Services
Writing an RFP can seem daunting, but asking great questions and sharing the right information in the RFP is crucial to finding your ideal 3PL partner. Learn what to include and questions to ask in a great RFP in this helpful guide.
Case Study
Benefits of Outsourcing E-commerce Fulfillment and Returns
This free case study explores how we helped improve the fulfillment process for our client. Discover how working with MKM Distribution resulted in real benefits for a real company.
The obstacles of e-commerce fulfillment
MKM services and capabilities
Resulting process improvements and savings
“They’ve been a great partner. I would recommend them as a 3PL provider any day.”
— 3PL Client